In order for all teams to align our Request rituals with our usual sprint rituals, our meetings are planned as following.


We ensure that the meetings happen in the following order, so that we move things forward in the most efficient manner. Toggle to read more!

👉 In addition to this, we have daily stand-ups and optional show-and-tells.

Sprint overview

We can achieve this by planning our sprints accordingly.

<aside> 💡 This is a lot of meetings - We have iterated on different ways to cut down the meeting time to bare-minimum over the past 2 years, but for now this seem to be the sweet-spot to stay aligned and get work done.


Week 1
Monday Stand-up (Design / Web / iOS / A11y / App / Ops)
**Retrospective (**Everyone / Each team)
Scrum-team Sprint planning (Design / Web / iOS / A11y / App / Ops)
Show-and-tell (Everyone)
Tuesday Stand-up (Design / Web / iOS / A11y / App / Ops)
Show-and-tell (Design / Web / iOS / A11y / App / Ops)
Wednesday Stand-up (Everyone)
Thursday Stand-up (Design / Web / iOS / A11y / App / Ops)
Show-and-tell (Optional for everyone)
Friday Stand-up (Design / Web / iOS / A11y / App / Ops)
Show-and-tell (Optional for everyone)
Request intake review (On-call Squad + Optional for rest)
Week 2
Monday Stand-up (Design / Web / iOS / A11y / App / Ops)
On-call-squad: ADS request ****grooming
All teams (optional): ADS Alignment
Tuesday Stand-up (Design / Web / iOS / A11y / App / Ops)
Request grooming (On-call Squad + Optional for rest)
Scrum-team Grooming (Design / Web / iOS / App / A11y / Ops)
Wednesday Stand-up (Everyone)
Thursday Stand-up (Design / Web / iOS / A11y / App / Ops)
Show-and-tell (Optional for everyone)
Friday Stand-up (Design / Web / iOS / A11y / App / Ops)
Show-and-tell (Optional for everyone)
Request intake review (On-call Squad + Optional for rest)
Sprint review (Everyone)